
My Adventure with the Garbage Monster

My Adventure with the Garbage Monster
My Adventure with the Garbage Monster
Reward Points: 50
  • 庫存: 有現貨
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  • 作者: Jen Ting ,
  • ISBN:9789887618102
  • 語言:英文
  • 出版年份:2021
  • 出版社: 小讀薯 Reading Potato

What if all the garbage comes to life one day, looking disgruntled and angry? Join the adventure with Charlotte and Marcus to discover why the garbage monster is mad at the people and what can we do to resolve the problem!

The beautiful illustrations and the captivating storyline were crafted with young children in mind. Written by a mother of two children who worked on psychology research, she collaborated with a renowned illustrator in Finland. They hoped that by imagining that garbage is alive, children can empathize with the trash and realize the harm caused by the waste to our planet. This book encourages discussions about what detrimental impact some of our daily habits can have on earth and what should be done to protect it.


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