(World of Science Comics) Adventures with Aquatic Creatures (hardcover)
Reward Points: 138
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- 作者: Karen Kwek ,
- ISBN:9789811233234
- 語言:英文
- 出版年份:2021
- 出版日期:2021-03-01
- 出版社: WS Education
Covering more than seven-tenths of Earth's surface, the planet's freshwater bodies and oceans together host a diversity of aquatic life. What kind of stars inhabit the seas? What makes whales lose their way? Get ready to meet an ocean "unicorn", swim with dugongs and investigate some of the weirdest looking residents of the deep. From the serpent-like oarfish to the giant Pacific octopus, here is our sampling of creatures that captivate scientists and storytellers alike!
Sample Chapter(s)
Sample for Adventures with Aquatic Creatures
- All About Aquatic Creatures:
- Stingers!
- Egg-ceptional Spawners
- A Sound Sense of Direction
- Special Schools:
- Big Fish
- Unicorn of the Sea
- Worth a Second Look:
- A Tale/Tail of Mermaids!
- Leafy Seadragons
- Beware, Shark Ahead!
- Hot Lips!
- Many-Armed Wonders:
- Tentacled Giant
- Different Strokes
- Sea-ing Stars
- Unarmed But Dangerous!:
- Snaking in the Seas
- All Puffed Up!
- Creature Features:
- Sea Hare
- Harlequin Shrimp
- Electric Eel
- Hawksbill Turtle
- The Four-Eyed Fish
- Colossal Squid
- Quiz Challenge:
- So, How Much Do You Really Know About Aquatic Creatures?
Readership: 6-12 year olds, Singapore, Asia-Pacific, worldwide. Trade, schools, libraries everywhere.