This package includes:Story book entitled "Potaton and Me: a Story about Courage and Confidence”DIY badge making kitStickersPaper finger puppetsPencil crayonsHighlighterMagnetic questions board and drawing boardWooden blocks crafts kitPotaton and Me: a Story about Courage and Confidence storybookAut..
Many children have pets at home, but no one would expect a little girl to adopt a POTATO as a pet! In the story, Veronica didn’t expect a potato would talk, but Veronica and the potato became good friends. She named the potato as Potaton. They got along happily every day, and when Potaton encountere..
This package includes:Story Book entitled "My Sleepy Grandma"Lovely DIY cards x4StickersFinger ink padPencil crayonsHighlighterPaper finger puppetsMagnetic questions board and drawing boardMy Sleepy Grandma storybookAuthor: Tracy CheungIllustrated by Kate HubaidulinaOne afternoon, the grandmother ac..
One afternoon, the grandmother accompanied the little girl to draw at home. When the little girl happily shared her work with her grandmother, she found that the grandmother was actually asleep. The little girl was upset that her grandmother ignored her work, because she did not understand why her g..
This package includes:Story Book entitled "My Adventure with the Garbage Monster"DIY paper making setPencil crayonsPaper finger puppetsRecycled paper notebook Magnetic questions board and drawing boardMy Adventure with the Garbage Monster storybookAuthor: Jen Tingillustrated by Claudia Varjotie..
What if all the garbage comes to life one day, looking disgruntled and angry? Join the adventure with Charlotte and Marcus to discover why the garbage monster is mad at the people and what can we do to resolve the problem!The beautiful illustrations and the captivating storyline were crafted with yo..
這個套裝包括:精美圖文並茂的《Kindness Diary of Mommy and Me》英文故事書木製的獎勵代幣盒1個50個獎勵代幣做好事獎勵表(中英對照)做好事行為貼紙 (中英對照)彩虹色顏料和畫筆黑色水筆閃亮的星星貼紙教育:大多數孩子都喜歡收集東西。讓我們充分利用這個喜好!收集一直很受孩子們的歡迎,無論是石頭、彈珠還是海灘上的貝殼等都一樣喜歡。從父母那裡收集代幣是獎勵孩子某種行為的一種積極方式。與其只給他們一張貼紙作為獎勵,不如給他們一些代幣會更加有趣!STEM:“我的名字在獎勵代幣盒上,它是我的!”孩子們可以發揮他們的創造力,為他們的獎勵代幣盒上色。他們還可以在盒..
Christmas time can be fun for children and provides the perfect teachable moment. It allows parents to teach their children to be kind and giving. Author Jen Ting wants to share her thoughts with parents and children about being kind to others in such a festive season. In a world of "me, me and me",..