
WS Education

出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811233272
Our close relationship with plants goes back hundreds of thousands of years — plants give us food, in addition to countless materials useful for building, decorating, curing illnesses and keeping us clothed and protected. Which plants have tasty, edible leaves? Why do some plants adopt "disguises"? ..
(World of Science Comics) Adventures with Natural Wonders (softcover)
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811241918
Adventures with Natural Wonders is an immersive encounter with more than 20 natural phenomena that deserve special mention. Which is the world's largest living feline? Where are the most impressive waterfalls on Earth? What makes the oceans glow in the dark? Climb to the summit of Mount Kiliman..
(World of Science Comics) Adventures with Land Animals (softcover)
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811241888
Adventures with Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats on — and below! — the ground. Why should you appreciate the earthworm? What's the ring-tailed lemur trying to say? What makes the Serengeti wildebeest cross crocodile-infested waters? Roam Chr..
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811230752
Often overlooked or trampled underfoot as pests, insects in fact dominate the animal kingdom by sheer number — more than half of all animal species on the planet are insect species. Do you know which insect babies look nothing like their parents? Or why ants cultivate special relationships with aphi..
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811233258
Often overlooked or trampled underfoot as pests, insects in fact dominate the animal kingdom by sheer number — more than half of all animal species on the planet are insect species. Do you know which insect babies look nothing like their parents? Or why ants cultivate special relationships with aphi..
(World of Science Comics) Adventures with How Things Work (softcover)
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811241871
Adventures with How Things Work is an immersive exploration of more than 15 scientific concepts and applications that make a difference to our lives. How do we see the world in so many colours? How does the polygraph show that you are telling a lie? Is blasting off to space really rocket scienc..
(World of Science Comics) Adventures with Great Minds (softcover)
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811241925
Adventures with Great Minds is an immersive encounter with 20 of history's most influential people. How did George Stephenson's invention bring progress? Whose imagination gave us the Chinese classic, Journey to the West? What legacy did Clara Barton leave? Learn how Halley's Comet was discover..
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811230721
Birds come in a dazzling array of sizes, shapes and colours, with abilities and behaviour worth making a song and dance about! Do you know how hornbills make a home? Or why sparrows hop? Get ready to admire the peacock's stunning plumage, glide with the wandering albatross and dive with penguins! Fr..
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811233241
Birds come in a dazzling array of sizes, shapes and colours, with abilities and behaviour worth making a song and dance about! Do you know how hornbills make a home? Or why sparrows hop? Get ready to admire the peacock's stunning plumage, glide with the wandering albatross and dive with penguins! Fr..
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811230691
Covering more than seven-tenths of Earth's surface, the planet's freshwater bodies and oceans together host a diversity of aquatic life. What kind of stars inhabit the seas? What makes whales lose their way? Get ready to meet an ocean "unicorn", swim with dugongs and investigate some of the weirdest..
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811233234
Covering more than seven-tenths of Earth's surface, the planet's freshwater bodies and oceans together host a diversity of aquatic life. What kind of stars inhabit the seas? What makes whales lose their way? Get ready to meet an ocean "unicorn", swim with dugongs and investigate some of the weirdest..
出版社: WS Education Model: 9789811233265
How do our bodies make sense of the world through the senses of sight, smell, taste and touch? Why do we have bones? What is the importance of eating well? From the secrets of the largest organ our skin, to the good and the bad about cholesterol, to what can go wrong with the tiny appendix, get read..
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