
A Little Princess - I Want A Sister
小公主很期待家中的新成員來臨,她想要一個妹妹,但爸爸媽媽和小公主說,她就快有個新弟弟,但小公主發現她一點都不想要弟弟,因為在她的心中,剛出生的弟弟是不好聞的,而且弟弟總是很粗魯等等…..面對家中的新成員,小公主能做個好姐姐嗎? Little Princess是英國BBC頻道知名卡通,故事取..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781842708354

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want My Dinner!
   The hilarious Little Princess returns with more tears and tantrums in this humorous picture book about good manners...
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781783440139

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want My Dummy
"Where is my dummy? I WANT MY DUMMY!" shrieks the Little Princess when the royal dummy mysteriously disappears, yet again. Wherever the King, Queen an..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781849393805

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want My Light On
   Paperback edition of this brand new Little Princess picture book in a new large format - with a spine-tingling twist at the end!..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781842707340

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want My Mum
   "I WANT MY MUM!" When things go wrong, there's one person who can always make it better.....
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781783440221

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want My Potty
   The classic Little Princess tale about the perils of potty training!..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781849394468

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want My Tooth
"Haven't I got wonderful teeth?" said the Little Princess. "ROYAL teeth!" said the King.The Little Princess has got wonderful teeth, all twenty of the..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781849395366

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want To Be!
Now that the Little Princess can use her potty, she decides it is time to grow up and be something. Her family and friends are eager to give ..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781849395175

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want to Do It By Myself
   The Little Princess asserts her independence in this brand new adventure in the bestselling series...
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781849392228

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want To Go Home
The Little Princess has been moved to a new castle, where there is lots more room! But she just wants to go home to the old castle. But is the old cas..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781842707159

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want To Win
The Little Princess loves to win -- and at home everyone usually lets her. At school, even though she tries her hardest, it seems she can't do anythin..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781849394741

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Little Princess - I Want Two Birthdays
The Little Princess wants to have two birthdays! Very well, says the prime minister. Of course, when the princess sees how much fun two birthdays are,..
$89 $105
ISBN: 9781842708750

語言: 英文

出版日期: 0000-00-00

A Penguin Named Pilar and Other Short Stories 企鵝皮拉爾和幾個小故事 - Bilingual 中英雙語
書名︰《企鵝皮拉爾和幾個小故事》 作者︰區文詩(故事) 區毓熙、翟玟玲、陳碧瑩、陳雪敏、張靈飛、葉泳如、賴芍穎、林兆基、林紫欣、李嘉欣、陸倩祺、顏偉亮、邵曉盈、王蕾、殷天雪、余寶懿、 區文詩及楊鐵樑(繪) 作者簡介: 區文詩(故事) 出生於香港,中英混血兒(父親是英國人,母親是中國..
ISBN: 9789881411488

語言: 繁體中文、英文

出版年份: 2021

出版日期: 2021-04-01

幼幼卡拉OK打造專屬幼兒歌唱舞台! 1.給孩子最多元的英文學習,促進孩子的全腦開發: 陪著寶寶一同歡唱,在歡唱中學習英文,讓英文變得輕鬆簡單。 2.讓孩子快樂唱唱跳跳,培養音樂素養: 朗朗上口的旋律讓孩子在歌唱中輕鬆培養對音樂的基本概念。 3.搭配樂譜的使用,能加強孩子眼、手與腦部的協調感: 搭配大..
$102 $120
ISBN: 4714426202257

語言: 繁體中文

出版年份: 2011

出版日期: 2011-11-01

$71 $83
ISBN: 9786263130296

語言: 繁體中文

出版年份: 2021

出版日期: 2021-12-13

銜接 108 課綱,培育科技素養 讓孩子具備迎向 AI 時代的能力!★108年課綱「科技素養」AI教育最佳指導用書 ★跟著AI機器人阿堤闖關挑戰,從頭認識人工智慧吧!  2016年,有場受世人矚目的世紀圍棋對決,由當時世界上最厲害的圍棋棋手,與世界上最會下棋的機器人阿爾發AlphaGo對弈..
$323 $380
ISBN: 9789865503673

語言: 繁體中文

出版年份: 2020

出版日期: 2020-08-19

Amazing Grace
Grace loves to act out stories. Sometimes she plays the leading part, sometimes she is 'a cast of thousands.' When her school decides to perform Peter..
$102 $120
ISBN: 9781845077495

語言: 英文

出版年份: 2015

出版日期: 2015-12-01

Animal Face Masks Designer
This picture book is crested during the fight of the pandemic in 2020. In 2020, the whole world is threatened by a new virus. Every person is bus..
ISBN: 9789887492115

語言: 英文

出版年份: 2020

出版日期: 2020-09-01

AQ繪本,培養孩子的挫折復原力! 一個好的故事,為你召喚全宇宙的勇氣、信心與力量! 讓孩子勇敢做自己.逆境中不忘正念.從堅定的信念萌生力量  媽媽常對小樂說:「快、快、快、快一點!」可是快不起來的小樂上學總是遲到;面對橫衝直撞的小樂,老師和志工媽媽卻告訴她:「不要跑、慢一點!」小樂於是決定慢慢..
$91 $107
ISBN: 9789865258177

語言: 繁體中文

出版年份: 2022

出版日期: 2022-11-02

  《安心國小》系列作者岑澎維 全新繪本創作誕生   最懂孩子的老師作家,用真摯的文字撫慰每個孩子的心   讓孩子從挫折中成長,養出高AQ,蛻變成更勇敢的人!     AQ繪本,培養孩子的挫折復原力!  一個好的故事,為你召喚全宇宙的勇氣、信心與力量!   讓孩子勇敢做自己.逆境中不忘正念.從..
$91 $107
ISBN: 9789865535858

語言: 繁體中文

出版年份: 2020

出版日期: 2020-11-06

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