
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Reward Points: 128
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  • 作者: John Archambault ,
  • ISBN:9781416927181
  • 語言:英文
  • 出版年份:2006
  • 出版日期:2006-10-01
  • 出版社: Simon & Schuster US

A told B,
and B told C,
"I'll meet you at the
top of the coconut tree"

Countless children -- and there parents -- can joyfully recite the familiar words of this beloved alphabet chant. The perfect pairing of Bill Martin Jr and John Archambault's lively rhymes, and Caldecott Honor artist Lois Ehlert's bright, bold, cheerful pictures made Chicka Chicka Boom Boom an instant hit and a perennial favorite.

This full-sized, quality paperback edition will bring even more fans to this endearing, enduring classic.

Chicka chicka boom boom
will there be enough room?

There will always be room for Chicka Chicka boom Boom on every child's bookshelf

字母們有聚會了!A告訴B他們將在椰子樹的頂端見面,B也這麼跟C說,於是一個傳一個,這下可好了,大家都要爬上去,椰子樹上究竟有沒有那麼多空間呢?每個字母都有不同的特色,當最後的字母們都站上去之後,椰子樹會發生什麼事呢?對於孩童來說,學習英文皆從字母歌開始,而從小聽過的字母歌往往千篇一律,現在有新選擇了,這本Chicka Chicka Boom Boom充滿旋律性的文字朗朗上口,是由Bill Martin Jr和John Archambault編寫而成再由凱迪克獎得主Lois Ehlert以大膽鮮明的顏色與充滿童趣的畫風進行插畫,輕快的旋律加上每個字母的特性,再配合可愛的插圖,讓孩童們在朗誦的時候能藉由歌唱的方式,輕易地記住字母。隨書附有CD,讓孩子藉由聽的方式理解旋律,相當適合父母陪同孩子,一起開啟英文學習的大門!


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